Bonjour from Paris, France
- London to Paris on the Eurostar train a fast and easy way to go
We traveled on the Eurostar. The ride was uneventful and relaxing. Signs of any rioting or unrest in Paris certainly not evident. Europe Express has made every effort to keep abreast of the political situation and has provided plenty of communication.
We are staying at the K+K Hotel Cayré in Paris. This hotel is in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, a lovely arrondissement. The Haussmann style exterior is wonderful. The hotel is adjoining the Latin Quarter and there are plenty of attractions.
After a thorough review of the property, I set out with Twitter friend Stephanie @TravelDesigned to find @parisbuff. This was a wonderful way to meet another great Twitter friends and to experience her VIP treatment: special cake and hospitality. After a short visit, we took a walking tour of the sights of .

The walking tour included a shortened version of Walk 4 from the book Paris Movie Walks: Ten Guided Tours Through the City of Lights! Camera! Action. The suggested options range in duration and are perfect for short stays in Paris.

@ParisBuff, our hostess, is married to the author of the book Michael Schurmann and they both reside in Montmarte. Besides tolerating numerous questions from me, Michael really knows intimate details about the area. The book should be used by anyone that wants insider knowledge about Paris.
We strolled the back streets of Montmartre. Along the way I picked up interesting facts about pop culture icons such as Edith Piaf, Maurice Chevalier and Serge Gainsbourg.