If you have been keeping up with the CruiseBuzz blog reports about Twitter then you may recall that I like to my offer my two cents worth about using social media tools and how they apply to the travel industry. Since today is #TravelTuesday (note the hashtag), I thought it fitting to explain this unique Twitter trend.
#TravelTuesday (note the hashtag) is a a big day for travelers. On Twitter, it is a time for people, mostly bloggers, to tweet away recommendations for new friends to follow. Unlike #FollowFriday, #TravelTuesday is suppose to be for travel related tweets.
As a travel agent who uses social media to forge strategic partnerships, I like #TravelTuesday as a way to recommend people that I think are worth following and I also use #TravelTuesday to post tweets about cruise specials.
#TravelTuesday tips.
- Remember you only get 140 characters.
- In your recommendation, briefly tell why. For example: Follow @cruisebuzz because…
- Don’t use commas they take a lot of space. For example: These people know about cruising @cruiselog @cruiseguy @buycruises #TravelTuesday
- Retweeting (the rt) is a fast way to reuse a lot of names. Remove your name from the retweet because it will show up twice. If you are retweeting a retweet (the rt rt) make sure to delete one of the rt’s so that it only shows up once.
Feedback welcome.