Happy Bastille Day, a great day to review cruise options in France

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In celebration of Bastille day …

Let them eat cake, drink some wine, and think about France because it’s Bastille day! Thank you France for your wonderful contributions to culture, world history, the arts, viticulture, and cuisine.

The Tweet that inspired the post:

Although the reason for Bastille day is not so fun to think about, the banks of the Seine on a river cruise or a day in port at one of the glorious Meditreran ports that are frequented by the cruise ships is good mind-candy.

A pre or post trip to Paris is a must

Try to schedule your time in France away from the busy summer months. Spring and fall are great seasons to visit the capital city;  the weather is mild and the crowds are less than a visitor will encounter during peak periods.


Not a soul in site. Paris to myself in October 2011 thanks to a trip sponsored by Europe Express.

France, located in western European, stretches from the Mediterranean to the North Sea, from the Rhine River to the Atlantic Ocean. Because of the proximity to lots of water, a cruise around France is a great use of vacation resources.

River cruisers have discovered wonderful itineraries floating through France via the Rhône, Saône, and Seine.


Cruising around France

A cruise around France  will invite visitors to explore  varied landscapes, cities, and towns that make France a #1 tourist destination.  Discover Burgundy and Provence on a river cruise or pull into port along one of the towns of the Med or Atlantic.

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