Cruiseable: Bringing mobile & social innovation to cruises


The news is out: let the buzz begin

Bora Bora
Get ready to discover Cruiseable. Photo by Carrie Finley.Bajak

For about a year I have been working with JD Lasica and Giacomo Balli who are the co-founders of Cruiseable, a new product that promises to make the cruise booking process easier and more fun while helping cruisers connect with each other on the same sailing.

See more at, where co-founder JD Lasica broke the news – click here

My job will be serving as the Editor-in-Chief and Content Curator at large (I made that second part up) but the point is that the app will bring all the things I love together in one place: cruising, travel, technology, mobile, and social.

Our goal is to make it easy for people to master their cruise experience, from discovery to booking to on-board and on-shore adventures to afterglow. We’re taking our cues from the cruise community, so drop us a line, we’d love to hear from you!

Facebook: Please head over and follow us on Facebook.

Twitter: We’re crazy about Twitter, so come follow us at @Cruiseable and we promise to follow you back!


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