Cruise Quiz #1 – the cruise crew's version of the pub quiz


Cruise Quiz #1 featuring members of the Cruise Crew on Twitter during #CruiseChat

Technically a pub quiz is a quiz event held in a public venue. So while we can’t all be at the same pub for a quiz night, let’s meet during #CruiseChat on Tues. Aug 9 at 2pm EST.

Pub quiz photo by janetmck

Quizmaster: Carrie Finley-Bajak, @CruiseBuzz with special mention of John Honeywell (@CaptGreybeard) who inspired the concept based on his tweets.

Rounds: Be prepared for 1 round consisting of multiple categories. A round has up to 7 questions. The questions can be a combination of topics quizzing:

  • general cruise and destination knowledge
  • cruise news
  • cruise lines
  • geography
  • nonsense
  • entertainment
  • quotes

Prizes: If you are interested in giving a prize towards Cruise Quiz, send me a tweet. I am sure a drink voucher on the ships or a deck of playing cards will be greatly appreciated.

Rules: There are no rules. We don’t have teams (yet) and the point of Cruise Quiz is to have fun tweeting about our cruise industry.

A call for questions: I know there are some of you out there that really have a great question. If so, leave me a comment below and let’s get it on the cruise quiz.




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