This week on Pinterest: Halifax, Nova Scotia on Pinterest


This week on Pinterest: Halifax, Nova Scotia on Pinterest

Halifax, Nova Scotia’s capital city and the gateway to Atlantic Canada, is our Pinterest spotlight of the week.

Halifax Pinterest Site


The Halifax, Nova Scotia on Pinterest account is managed by Destination Halifax.

The gateway to Atlantic Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia is a modern port city with small-town charm and a rich history. Currently Destination Halifax has: 18 pinboards and 192 pins.

Variety is the spice of life: Destination Halifax has as lot of interesting boards.


Of special Pinterest to Cruisers

Cruise visitors visiting can use the “Things to Do in Halifax” pinboard to look at inspiring images to help plan their day in port.

Things to Do in Halifax pinboard gives cruise visitors great ideas about what to do in port.

Pin and Win: Best of Halifax Contest

Pin it to Win it

Worth checking out and perhaps entering is the  The Best of Halifax Pin & Win Travel Contest. If you have images that capture the region, it’s worth a try. Visit to pin & win your way to Halifax, Nova Scotia (some restrictions apply, so don’t get your hopes up.)

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