The Wake Report From Waves Of Fun | #CruiseChat Recap


Fun in the waves, from the wake of a long weekend, it was a fun #CruiseChat.

Thanks to our co-hosts @CareVacations and @Only398 who helped bring in the ropes after a long holiday weekend.


Coming or going: the view is always great on a cruise.

The Numbers:

#CruiseChat  Report via

  • 400 tweets generated 1,838,463 impressions, reaching an audience of 115,259 followers within the past 24 hours
  • Calculated from up to about 1000 tweets | Generated Tue Jul 05 2011 19:25:04 GMT-0700 (PDT)

Top 10 by number of impressions

  1. cruisebuzz: 934,548
  2. only398: 536,976
  3. vikingriver: 63,102
  4. carevacations: 51,352
  5. shipsandtrips: 29,953
  6. kcom: 28,332
  7. windstarcruises: 21,600
  8. middleseatview: 20,284
  9. bargeconnection: 15,900
  10. jkheaton: 15,176

Top 10 by number of tweets

  1. cruisebuzz: 94
  2. carevacations: 49
  3. only398: 36
  4. vikingriver: 26
  5. bargeconnection: 25
  6. middleseatview: 22
  7. cruisecoaches: 17
  8. stinatravels: 14
  9. kcom: 12
  10. shipsandtrips: 11

Top 10 by number of followers

  1. only398: 14,916
  2. cruisebuzz: 9,942
  3. jkheaton: 7,588
  4. landlopers: 7,260
  5. traveldesigned: 6,945
  6. awayblog: 5,334
  7. hotelprguy: 5,057
  8. willingfoot: 4,840
  9. pulpologist: 4,045
  10. cruiseradio: 3,633

The Questions:

  • Q1: What’s been left in the wake of your holiday weekend? #CruiseChat
  • Post a pic of what you did this weekend. #CuiseChat
  • Q2) When was the last time you had fun on a #cruise or a land based #vacation?  Where? #CruiseChat
  • Q3) What is the most fun #travel destination for summer? Why? #CruiseChat
  • Post a pic of what you think is a fun destination?  #CuiseChat
  • Q5) What’s your favorite water sport? #CruiseChat
  • Q6) Where is the best place to watch the wake on a #cruise ship? #CruiseChat
  • Q7) Why are some of the best cabins and suites found on the aft of the ship near the wake? #CruiseChat
  • BONUS : Which hashtags do you use to have fun on Twitter? #Cruisechat #TTOT #NUTS #SocialMedia  #EmpireAvenue

Hall of Fame:

The Honor Roll – it is always hard to pick just a few.

Barbara Hartman
CruiseCoaches Barbara Hartman 

A6 – The wake at night with the water shining on it a very soothing and relaxing! #cruisechat

That sounds cool! Might need 2 look that up. No snakes? RT @cruzchatonline@awayblog did river tubing in #Belize – lots of fun #cruisechat
CareVacations CareVacations 

My kind of prep! WOOP WOOP! RT @CruiseBuzz: A5. #CruiseChat My fav water sport is cruising. How I get ready fo… (cont)
Viking River Cruises
VikingRiver Viking River Cruises 

Is floating on a pool chair considered a water sport? #cruisechat
Cruize Cast
CruizeCast Cruize Cast 

My pic of a fun place. Can you guess where?… #cruisechat
Cal Ford
cruisincal Cal Ford 

We arrived in Avalon 41 years ago today to start our honneymoon. At the Zane Gray Inn. Fantastic, #cruisechat
Barge Connection
BargeConnection Barge Connection 

A2: Beautiful vacay on the Savoir Vivre – onshore dining and wonderful day excursions. Wish I was there…. #cruisechat
CareVacations CareVacations 

OMG! You’re too funny! RT @Kcom: A2 #cruisechat – I have fun on all my vacay’s since i got divorced 🙂 did I say that out loud?
shipsandtrips ShipsAndTripsTravel 

#cruisechat hi everyone! Off to swim lessons, but I’ll #cruisechatpoolside in a few!
Viking River Cruises
VikingRiver Viking River Cruises 

This is how Viking does 4th of July! #cruisechat
Rebecca Kollaras
Kcom Rebecca Kollaras 

@vikingriver@middleseatview, I.M.O. you can never have enough sparklers. #cruisechat
Christina Saull
MiddleSeatView Christina Saull 

love non-July 4 sparklers! RT @Kcom#cruisechat – A1 I have boxes and boxes of sparklers. We load up so we have them for all occasions!
Cruise Chat Online
CruzChatOnline Cruise Chat Online 

@cruisebuzz fireworks are legal here in Florida. Can buy at all stores #cruisechat
Barge Connection
BargeConnection Barge Connection 

RT @cruisebuzz@BargeConnection Did you have a big weekend? #cruisechat > A1: Yes, it was GREAT! Always luv making memories. And you?
Christina Saull
MiddleSeatView Christina Saull 

A1 Needing another vacation from my vacation! I’m tired! #cruisechat
Fernando Costantino
HolaFernando Fernando Costantino 

Hi everyone at #cruisechat. Hope you had a great holiday in the US…
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