Spring Break hits #CruiseChat


Spring is in the air and #cruisechat will tweet about Spring Break

Based on some initial feedback, it seems that Spring Break brings up some unpleasant feelings. Not in a bad way, just in the stereotypical fashion regarding overcrowding, loud children, and general mayhem on the ships.

For me Spring Break is an excuse to think about spring cruises and the possibility of planning a vacation in the spring. I have spent the last couple of years during the months of May and early June in Europe on the ships, much to my delight. A perfect way to spend spring, in my opinion.

So, rethink Spring Break and start to think spring breaks. The paradigm shift will do wonders for the outlook.

Here are some photos that say Spring Break to me:

My homeport of Los Angeles with Sapphire Princess in the background. Taken on Celebrity Millennium.

Maui, Hawaii – a spring break hotspot.
Who doesn't love a good aft? How about this beauty on Crystal Cruises?
Caribbean blue waters.



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