Online Travel Communities – a look at #TTOT the social travel hashtag


Building online travel communities starts with #TTOT the social travel hashtag.

Looking for a concentrated community of travel specialists, bloggers, experts, media, sales people, or enthusiasts? Look to Twitter and the #TTOT hashtag.

What started as another weekly chat on #TravelTuesday is now morphing into a social hashtag open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

How it started

In January 2011 a mixed crowd of travelers and companies (spearheaded by Melvin from Travel Dudes) started #TTOT = Travel Talk on Twitter. The motivation was to create a travel event on Twitter that did not solicit sponsors and potential conflict of interest issues. TTOT was an immediate hit reaching multiple countries, generating a lot of buzz.

According to Melvin from Travel Dudes, “It’s not a hashtag of a single company… It’s YOURS… It’s OUR Social Travel Hashtag!”

Meet the new #TTOT hashtag

The mission of #TTOT has changed a little and in addition to the weekly chats, anyone on Twitter is encouraged to post to the #TTOT hashtag.

  • Whenever you need any travel related help…
  • whenever you have a question for your travels…
  • whenever you tweet about travel…

What about cruising?

I thought you would never ask…. Cruising is a perfect fit for the #TTOT hashtag community.

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