Exclusive Interview: Christine Duffy from CLIA in the Social Media Spotlight


Exclusive Interview: Christine Duffy from CLIA in the Social Media Spotlight

Christine Duffy, President and CEO of CLIA, in the Social Media Spotlight: Find out how Cruise Lines International President is embracing social media.

In early August, I noticed that Cruise Lines International Association was making a big splash in the social media sphere.  If you missed that breaking report, click here or read the tweets below, which chronicle part of the conversation.

Instant Replay:

The Face behind the Tweets

Immediately I reached out to CLIA to secure an interview with Christine Duffy to discover the face behind the tweets.

What interested me was her commitment to launch a blog (a big undertaking) and CLIA’s increased online presence, which until recently has been relatively quiet in comparison to other cruise industry entities (cruise lines, travel agents, travel press, hotels, and marketing agencies serving the ports).

Q&A with Christine Duffy

President and CEO of Cruise Lines International Association talks about social media

Carrie Finley-Bajak: What motivated you and CLIA to take a more active role in social media?

Christine Duffy:  CLIA has always been engaged online, but in the past our online efforts were primarily focused on the promotion of cruising and engaging the travel agent community. In my role as president and CEO of CLIA, I focus on promotion, but there’s the whole other side of CLIA as a trade association, where we focus on the many issues surrounding the industry. I wanted to have a platform, which has become my blog, to tell the broader story of the many things we are working on at CLIA.

Carrie Finley-Bajak:  Until now, what has kept you from jumping into the “social soup?”

Christine Duffy:   CLIA has always been engaged online with the travel agent community, focusing on the vacation experience, exciting new cruise ships, and the promotional side of our association. We recognize that you can’t separate those issues from others of great importance – environmental, economic impact, working with our port communities, and so on.  We are significantly expanding our social media presence in an effort to address and communicate with all of our stakeholders’ interests.

Carrie Finley-Bajak: What has been the biggest surprise so far?

Christine Duffy:   I’m pleased by the amount of instant engagement from both the travel industry and maritime community as the cruise industry really works and engages with both. There truly are a lot of people who are very passionate about the cruise industry and the value that it brings, or who have a vested interested in the continued success and growth of the cruise industry.

I’m finding that you get back what you put in, and I have been pleased by the already interesting dialogue I’ve had with those invested in the cruise industry. – Christine Duffy

Carrie Finley-Bajak: Did you expect that your social media activities would take more or less of a time commitment?

Christine Duffy:  Part of the delay in expanding our social media presence is that we recognized the amount of time required for ongoing, meaningful social communication. Now that we are actively engaged online, I’m finding that you get back what you put in, and I have been pleased by the already interesting dialogue I’ve had with those invested in the cruise industry.


Christine Duffy, President and CEO of Cruise Lines International Association. Photo by CLIA

Carrie Finley-Bajak: Do you personally use Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube, Google+, etc?

Christine Duffy: Yes, I have tried many forms of social media to familiarize myself with them.

Carrie Finley-Bajak: Do you see CLIA supporting more online interaction between travel agents and cruise line partners?This is as easy as replying to tweets, retweeting, and maybe hosting an actual online chat or Google hangout.

Christine Duffy: Our vision for CLIA is to be able to create a platform for dialogue and communication among our broad cruise industry community, including our cruise line partners, travel agents, port communities, and executive partners. Next year, CLIA is investing in a new website with more features, functionality, and content to really engage this broad community, which also speaks to CLIA’s mission to foster as much dialogue among our partners as possible.

Carrie Finley-Bajak: Do you have an iPhone? Why or why not?

Christine Duffy:  I have an iPhone and while it’s not as easy as typing on my old Blackberry, I find it’s much easier to use my iPhone for Instagram, Twitter and the other social media outlets available.

Carrie Finley-Bajak: Do you have an iPad? Why or why not?

Christine Duffy: I have an iPad and it’s another great way to stay connected. I do still carry my laptop so I can read documents or websites. But, the iPad is usually lighter than my laptop!

Carrie Finley-Bajak: What three keywords best describe your blog?

Christine Duffy: I’m curious to hear how our readers would answer!  My goal is that my blog is informative, engaging, and provides timely, factual information.

Carrie Finley-Bajak: What else should I ask that you were hoping I would cover?

Christine Duffy: I appreciate your interest, and hope you visit CLIA’s social media platforms often! I look forward to continuing to engage and communicating online and welcome any feedback.


Connect with Christine Duffy and CLIA online

Christine Duffy’s blog: Cruising.org/ceoblog
Christine Duffy’s Twitter: Twitter.com/CLIACEO

Website: www.Cruising.org
CLIA’s Twitter: Twitter.com/cruisefacts
CLIA’s Facebook.com/cliafan

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