Dispatch from World Cruiser – an amazing journey


Taking a World Cruise is something a lot of people think about but very few can actually make it happen. One of our customers has been embracing technology and has let us inside her trip as she makes her way around the globe. Below is a slightly modified version of the latest dispatch. Remember that buying a world cruise is not like purchasing a cruise to the Caribbean. There are many details and working together with a world cruise expert like Cruise Holidays & Vacations is invaluable.

Greetings All: It is Thursday, March 26, 2009, and we are at sea. We left Mumbai (Bombay) last night at about 10:00 p.m. as we had yet another few medical emergencies. We are crossing the Arabian Sea to the Arabic Peninsula.
I have so much to say about India. First of all, it was so hot. I cannot even describe it. It is quite funny as it seems to be we are changing climates quite a bit. It is supposed to be cooler in Dubai but again when we get to Africa it will be even hotter.

We have just gone through out 16th time change. Last night we set the clocks back another 1/2 hour. It is funny as we are not used to the half hour increments. If I figure correctly, we are now exactly 12 hours ahead of Orange County. Boy oh boy does that clock come in handy. At this point, I cannot even keep track of what day it is. Thank goodness for the ship carpets that tell us what day of the week it is.
Mumbai was quite a culture shock for me. The word No has abrasive connotations, therefore do not outright refuse an offer. It is rude to point with your fingers. Instead use your chin to point. It is also considered rude to beckon with your palm up, whistle or wink. A side to side head movement denotes agreement. (For us that means no.) An up-and-down head movement means no (for us that means yes). Very confusing.

Another thing is that the cow is sacred. You were told not to wear any leather off of the ship. That meant watch bands, belts, and I can hear you are say what about shoes? So many go barefoot. In fact as we were driving around you would just see the cows wandering in the streets everywhere. In some places it is law that they have to be tied up or handled by someone. We drove by a McDonalds, and of course, they cannot serve beef. They serve chicken and vegetable dishes.

My tour the first day in Mumbai was the Marvels of Mumbai. We went to Ghandi’s museuem, Prince of Whales Museum, drive around town and a temple. They have an area close to the beach which we drove by that they call the Queen’s necklace and at night it is all lit up and looks like a necklace.

By the way, we were told earlier today by the captain, that we would be getting military escorts in the next day or so. Things in this part of the world are not too great. Have not made a definite decision yet if our itinerary is going to be changed. We are being told we may miss some ports due to security.
I never saw such high security in India. We were checked, checked, and rechecked everywhere. Buses, port terminals, temples, etc. This is day 66.

Wow! I love clients that send us email while they are on their trips! To find doubt how you can schedule your world cruise give us a call at 949-215-6700 or check out our website at www.cruisebuzz.net
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