Madam Butterfly 3D Film On Cunard Line's Queen Mary 2


‘Madam Butterfly 3D’ plays on Cunard’s Queen Mary 2

Partnering with RealD and London’s Royal Opera House, Cunard guests sailing on QM2 can watch the 3D version of  Puccini’s “Madam Butterfly.”

Madam Butterfly in 3D. Photo by rittyrats.

RealD 3D Cinema Technology meets Cunard


The RealD  film version of Puccini’s “Madame Butterfly” will make an appearance starting on July 6th, 2012 in Queen Mary 2’s 450-seat theater, Illuminations. The movie should hit a high note for Opera fans, especially those fans of acclaimed soprano Liping Zhang who stars as Cio-Cio-San in RealD’s “Madam Butterfly 3D.”

Combining the excitement of live staging with the immediacy of a feature film, “Madam Butterfly 3D” is a production designed to appeal to novices and opera buffs alike.

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Peter Shanks, president of Cunard Line is hoping that guests will enjoy the new production. Following in the wake of Cunard’s screenings of ‘Carmen in 3D’ over the last year  demonstrated the broad appeal of world-class opera productions on film to guests who may be regular opera-goers.  Mr. Shanks said that “we’re sure ‘Madam Butterfly 3D’ will continue to play to full houses on board and add a new highlight to the wide-ranging program of onboard speakers, workshops and performances that sets Cunard apart.”

For more information about the film,  visit

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