Pinterest Travel Boards for Cruise Planning

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Cruise Travel Planning with Pinterest

Use Pinterest, social media’s newest sharing site, to help plan your next great adventure. Avid cruisers can use Pinterest to create and manage travel boards to help organize images found on the web.

Use Pinterest to organize travel research about possible new places to visit

Below is a shared pinboard that I use to get ideas about places I might like to visit. Since the board is a collaboration between me and a group of people, I can get new ideas from others. In addition, if I think there is something the group would like to consider, I will add a pin. You can see the entire board here.


Create Pinterest travel boards to collect links to cruise destinations

One of my Pinterest travel boards helps me organize photos about cruise destinations. The photos feature links to sites with information that I might need when planning my next great adventure.  What should I add to the list? Where would your dream cruise take you?

Cruise Destination Inspiration Board

Use Pinterest travel boards to help get you organized

I love how Pinterest has so many uses. The ability to create a travel board to help me pack for a trip to Alaska is very helpful. While shopping and researching online, I was able to populate the pinboard below with items that I should bring on a cruise.

Packing list for Alaska
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